Accessory Outdoor Permit No. OD2007-004







Staff Person:

Javier S. Garcia, 644-3206

(949) 644-3200; FAX (949) 644-3229

Appeal Period:

14 days after approval date






Application No:


Accessory Outdoor Dining Permit No. OD2007-004





Bella Luna Cafe



Michel Pourmussa, Balboa, CA

Address of

Property Involved:



707 East Ocean Front, Suite A

Legal Description:

Portion of Lot D, Balboa Tract



Application Request


Establishment of an accessory outdoor dining use in conjunction with the addition of accessory outdoor dining to an existing food service use. The allowable outdoor dining area of 63 square feet is based on the approved interior net public area. The proposed area will be reduced to comply with the Zoning Code limitation of 25% of the interior net public area. The property is located in the SP-9 (Central Balboa Specific Plan Area) District.


ACTION:                   APPROVED – NOVEMBER 16, 2007


The Planning Director determined in this case that the proposal would not be detrimental to persons, property or improvements in the neighborhood and that the accessory outdoor dining permit as approved is consistent with the legislative intent of Title 20 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code based on the following findings:




1.                  The Land Use Element of the General Plan and the Local Coastal Program designate the property for “Retail and Service Commercial” land use; and the proposed outdoor dining is accessory to an existing restaurant, a permitted use within that designation.


2.                  This project has been reviewed, and it has been determined that it is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act under Class 1 (Existing Facilities).


3.                  The approval of this application will not, under the circumstances of this case, be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, and general welfare of the city for the following reasons:


·                    Since the use is accessory to and an extension of the existing restaurant use, subject to all the findings and conditions of approval of Planning Director’s Use Permit No. UP2006-003 (PA2006-050) and its amendments, and not an independent use.

·                    The proposed outdoor dining area is compatible with the surrounding land uses and its limited hours should prevent noise from adversely impacting the nearby residential uses since the proposal does not include any noise generating activities (i.e., entertainment).

·                    The proposed accessory outdoor dining will not be located so as to result in a reduction of existing parking spaces.

·                    The restrictions on the use of solid roof structures as applied to this approval are consistent with the intent and purpose of the accessory outdoor dining.

·                    The proposal does not include any noise generating activities inside or outside of the facility (i.e., live entertainment is not authorized for the facility) and are specifically prohibited in the outdoor dining area by this approval.




1.                  Development shall be in substantial conformance with the approved site plan and floor plan, except as noted in the following conditions.


2.                  The accessory outdoor dining shall be used in conjunction with the related adjacent food establishment and shall be limited to 63 sq. ft. maximum (gross area, 25 percent of the indoor net public area of 250 sq. ft.), unless an amendment to this application is approved to increase the area allowed.


3.                  The seating adjacent to the food use facility shall be limited to the area as delineated on the approved site plan only. The approved outdoor dining area shall be located on a solid surface in accordance with the approved floor plan or seating plan. The rail/fence or screen planting shall be a minimum of 42 inches tall unless otherwise required by the Public Works Department. The use of pavement markings to delineate the area is prohibited. Prior to implementation, the applicant shall call the Code Enforcement Division (at 949-644-3215) to schedule an inspection of the area enclosed by the specified rail/fence/screen planting.


4.                  Trash receptacles for patrons shall be conveniently located outside of the related food service facility to serve the accessory outdoor dining area. The operator of the food service use shall be responsible for the clean-up of all on-site and off-site trash, garbage and litter generated by the use.


5.                  The facility shall be designed to meet exiting and fire protection requirements as specified by the Uniform Building Code and shall be subject to review and approval by the Building Department


6.                  The project shall comply with State Disabled Access requirements. Tables and chairs for the outdoor dining shall not encroach into the required handicap access area specified on the approved detail seating plan.


7.                  No outside paging system or sound system shall be utilized in conjunction with this outdoor dining establishment.


8.                  The operator of the restaurant facility shall be responsible for the control of noise generated by the subject facility. The use of outside loudspeakers, paging system or sound system shall be prohibited in the outdoor dining area or outside of the building. The noise generated by the proposed use shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 10.26 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. Chapter 10.26 provides, in part, that the sound shall be limited to no more than depicted below for the specified time periods:


                                                            Between the hours of                  Between the hours of

                                                            7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.            10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

                                                            interior              exterior             interior              exterior

Measured at the property line of             

commercially zoned property:                 N/A                   65 dBA             N/A                   60 dBA


Measured at the property line of

residentially zoned property:                   N/A                   60 dBA             N/A                   50 dBA


Residential property:                              45 dBA             55 dBA             40 dBA             50 dBA


9.                  The applicant shall retain a qualified engineer specializing in noise/acoustics to monitor the sound generated by the outdoor dining activity to insure compliance with these conditions, if required by the Planning Director.


10.             The use of area heaters shall be approved by the Public Works Department, Building Department and the Fire Department prior to installation or use. The use of propane heaters and the storage of propane containers on the premises are prohibited, unless otherwise approved by the Fire Department.


11.             Should this business be sold or otherwise come under different ownership, any future owners or assignees shall be notified of the conditions of this approval by either the current owner or the leasing company.


12.             The hours of operation of the outdoor dining area is limited to between the hours of 8:00 am and 10:00 pm, daily; and any increase in the hours of operation shall be subject to the approval of an amendment to this application and may require approval of a Use Permit.


13.             Alcoholic beverage service shall be prohibited in the outdoor dining areas, unless an amendment to the existing use permit is first amended by the Planning Commission, Police Department and the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to increase the licensed premises.


14.             All applicable conditions of approved Use Permit No. UP2006-003 (PA2006-050) shall remain in force (copy available in the Planning Department).


15.             Should problems arise with regard to noise associated with the outdoor dining areas, the Planning Department shall require the removal of all or a portion of the outdoor dining area seating in the areas that contribute or cumulatively contribute to the noise problems or complaints.


16.             Should problems arise with regard to umbrellas, tables, chairs or stools encroaching into the public right-of-way, public walkway or other common area pedestrian pathways, the Planning Department reserves the right to require the relocation of the railing/fence and removal of all or a portion of the outdoor dining area seating and/or the use of unitized table and chair construction.


17.             Deliveries shall be prohibited between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., daily.


18.             The Planning Department may add to or modify conditions of approval to this outdoor dining permit, or revoke this approval upon a finding of failure to comply with the conditions set forth in Chapter 20.82 of the Municipal Code or other applicable conditions and regulations governing the food establishment. The Planning Director or the Planning Commission may also revoke this permit upon a determination that the operation which is the subject of this approval causes injury, or is detrimental to the health, safety, peace, morals, comfort, or general welfare of the community.


City Approval for Outdoor Dining in Public Right-of-Way


1.                  An encroachment permit for outside dining in the public right-of-way, issued by the Public Works Department, shall be approved and all conditions of approval and requirements shall be satisfied prior to implementation of this Outdoor Dining Permit No. OD2007-004.


2.                  The area outside of the food establishment, including the public sidewalks, shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner and may be subject to providing periodic steam cleaning of the public sidewalks as required by the Public Works Department.


3.                  The location and set-up of the tables and chairs shall be within the approved outdoor dining area only.


4.                  The use of solid, permanent roof coverings, patio covers or retractable awnings shall be prohibited. If umbrellas are utilized, they shall be located to not extend beyond the edge of the approved paved outdoor dining area or into the path of the adjacent public.


5.                  The outdoor dining in the public right-of-way shall be provided and maintained in accordance with City Council Policy No. L-21.


6.                  All the outdoor umbrellas, dining tables and chairs shall be removed from the public right-of-way when the facility stops serving for the day or upon the closing of the facility, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Department and as specified in the Encroachment Agreement.


7.                  All City-approved plans and permits for the outdoor dining area shall be kept on the premises for inspection, by authorized City staff (Police Department, Fire Department, Planning Department, etc.), at all times when the establishment is open for business.


The Planning Director’s decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 14 days of the action date. A $600.00 filing fee shall accompany any appeal filed. No building permits may be issued until the appeal period has expired.



On behalf of David Lepo, Planning Director





      Zoning Administrator Javier S. Garcia









Vicinity Map

Detail Seating Plan



property owner

Michel Pourmussa

105 Main Street

Balboa, CA 92661


Code Enforcement Division






Parking Requirement


In accordance with Chapter 20.82 of the Newport Beach Municipal Code, accessory outdoor dining requires no additional parking if it is less than 25% of the interior net public area. The subject facility complies with that requirement. Therefore, based on the recommended restrictions (63 square feet, 9 seats maximum) and the parking characteristics of the use, adequate parking is provided at the existing off-site location to serve the proposed use.


Restroom Facilities


The facility, as proposed, provides adequate public sanitation facilities with the provided interior unisex restroom and the proximity of the restrooms within common area of the existing commercial building. Any increase in the interior seating may require an increase in the number of fixtures or provision of separate sex restrooms, as required by the Newport Beach Municipal Code and in compliance with the provisions of the Health Code (Orange County). The applicant or restaurant manager/owner has been advised to verify the requirements with the Building Department prior to the increase of patron seating.






Accessory Outdoor Dining Permit No. OD2007-004



Site Address:    707 East Ocean Front, Suite A