FROM:            Planning Department

Javier Garcia, Zoning Administrator


SUBJECT:      Report of the actions taken for the Modifications Hearing on Monday, November 19, 2007


Item 1:             Modification Permit No. MD2007-063 (PA2007-158

1620 Kings Road


To encroach into the required rear yard setback with stairs leading to the proposed second floor. The property is located in the R-1 District.


This item was withdrawn by applicant

Council District



Item 2:             Lot Line Adjustment No. LA2007-014 (PA2007-208)

1752 East Ocean Front


To combine a lot and a portion of an adjacent lot into a single parcel of land for single-family development. Additionally, the application includes a request to waive the requirement for filing of a parcel map pursuant to Section 19.68.060(D) of the Newport Beach Municipal Code. The property is located in the R-1 District.


This item was approved

Council District



Item 3:             Condominium Conversion No. CC2007-004 and Parcel Map No. NP2007-026

505 and 505 ½ Carnation Avenue


To convert an existing duplex into a two-unit condominium project. No waivers of Title 19 development standards are proposed with this application. The code required two-car parking per unit will be provided. In addition, a Tentative Parcel Map application has been submitted for two-unit condominium purposes. No exceptions to Title 19 development standards are proposed with this application. The property is located in the R-2 District.


This item was continued to the 12/10/07 Modifications Hearing

Council District



Item 4:             Modification Permit No. MD2007-069 (PA2007-173)

417 29th Street


To permit the encroachment of two parking spaces into the required front yard setback, and three spaces into the required rear yard setback as part of the development of a new two-story mixed use project having office use above and an artist’s studio below. The property is located in the Specialty Retail (SR) Zone of the Cannery Village/McFadden Square Specific Plan (SP-6) District.


This item was continued to the 12/04/07 Modifications Hearing

Council District



Item 5:             Modification Permit No. MD2007-073 (PA2007-202)

300 Rialto Street


To permit the remodel and addition of between 25% and 50% of the existing gross square footage of an existing non-conforming single-family dwelling unit including the combining of two rooms on the ground floor and the addition of a new room on the second floor with no net increase in the number of habitable rooms. The proposed addition will conform to all required setbacks. The existing single-family structure is non-conforming since it has one non-standard size parking space and it encroaches into the required front and northeasterly side setbacks. The property is located in the R-2 District.


This item was continued to the 12/04/07 Modifications Hearing

Council District



Item 6:             Modification Permit No. MD2007-074 (PA2007-203)

2328 La Linda Place


To permit encroachment into the required 20-foot front yard setback with a portion of a proposed addition to an existing single-family dwelling. A portion of the addition will encroach up to 2 feet 6 inches; and the proposed eave overhang will encroach up to 4 feet 4 inches into the required front yard setback. The property is located in the R-1-B-5 District.


This item was approved.

Council District



Item 7:             Modification Permit No. MD2007-075 (PA2007-204)

1927 Tradewinds Lane


To permit the encroachment into the required 20-foot front yard setback with the following elements: new retaining wall including pilasters and two light fixtures that have a maximum height of 5 feet 5 inches above existing grade, two new 36-inch high guard rails with a maximum height of 4 feet 9 inches above existing grade, and to permit the retention, refinish and addition of concrete caps on two existing retaining walls that are over 3 feet in height within the front yard setback. The existing retaining walls including the finish work will have a maximum height of 5 feet 10 inches above existing grade. The portion of the application request to allow the encroachment into the required 20-foot front yard setback with a 9-foot 8-inch tall freestanding trellis was DISAPPROVED. The property is located in the R-1-B District.


This item was approved as modified

Council District



Item 8:             Modification Permit No. MD2007-076 (PA2007-205)

606 Harbor Island Drive


To permit the encroachment of a proposed barbecue a maximum 9 feet 8 inches into the required 10-foot front yard setback adjacent to Promontory Bay. The barbecue will be located at the northwest corner of the property adjacent to the side property line. The maximum height of the barbecue will be 4 feet from the existing finished surface. The property is located in the R-1 District.


This item was approved

Council District




Item 9:             Modification Permit No. MD2007-077 (PA2007-207)

4645 Fairfield Drive


To permit the encroachment of a 5-foot tall wrought iron fence within the 30-foot front yard setback along Orrington Road. The fence is proposed for pool protection purposes. Also included is the request to permit the encroachment of the pool structure 18 feet into the 30-foot front yard setback. The encroachment varies in height from 4 feet 6 inches to 6 feet 6 inches measured from natural grade. The property is located in the R-1-B District.


This item was approved.

Council District



Prepared and submitted by:







Javier S. Garcia, Zoning Administrator




APPEAL: The Zoning Administrator’s decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission within 14 days of the action date. A $600.00 filing fee shall accompany any appeal filed. No building permits may be issued until the appeal period has expired.






David Lepo, Planning Director (e-mail)

Sharon Wood, Assistant City Manager (e-mail)

David Keely, Public Works Senior Civil Engineer (e-mail)

Kay Sims, Assistant Planner (e-mail)

Sgt. Ron Vallercamp, Vice/Narcotics (e-mail)

Code Enforcement Division(e-mail)

Erin Steffen, Office Assistant (e-mail)